All issues (uploads)
All issues of The Art Bin, in reverse chronological, order.
(Please note: The Art Bin is on ice since 2003, but not discontinued. Hopefully there will be at least one more issue some day to close this project.)


Upload 22-23, January 7th, 2003 |
| Special health issue
Why a health issue? Isn't The Art Bin a cultural magazine? (ENG SWE)
THE GALLERY: Imagery from the history of medicine
27 images from the history of illustrated medicine, mostly anatomy, from medieval diagrammatic depictions of humans in the frog-like positions typical of that time to the medical books of the 1800's with paper intestines on foldable flaps.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”A life redirected: The story of an illness” (ENG SWE) "As I woke up one morning in May 1993, everything changed. Life changed. It would turn out, this was a day of the kind that constitutes a demarcation. Everything that had happened in my life would from then on be categorized by if it had occurred before or after that particular date. Life took a new direction." The Art Bin editor tells his story, of nine years of illness with fibromyalgia, probably caused by mercury poisoning from dental amalgam. Article by Karl-Erik Tallmo. (Also available as PDF)
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”Consensus and canaries: About medical science and its loyalties” (ENG SWE) This long article is a sequel to "A life redirected". Here The Art Bin editor scrutinizes medical practice as well as scientific research. Many doctors regard illnesses they can't understand as psychosomatic, illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome. Scientific research regarding the hazards of, for instance, tobacco, toxic chemicals, dental amalgam or mobile phones has been and is being manipulated, attacked or concealed, often with the help of scientists who secretly work as consultants for the very industry branch that has a direct interest in a certain result of their research. An essential question here is whether newspapers should report new research findings about possible health risks, even if the so-called scientific community has not yet reached consensus about it, something that often may take decades. Article by Karl-Erik Tallmo. (Also available as PDF)
Swedish only: Båda dessa artiklar finns också som tryckt bok)
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”A hundred and fifty years of misuse of mercury and dental amalgam — still a lesson to learn” (ENG SWE) Dental amalgam is the main source of mercury exposure to humans in the western world. However, experts from health authorities have stated that those amounts are far less than what is obtained from food. This is false. Already in 1882 the evaporation of mercury from amalgam was demonstrated. Mercury, evaporating from the fillings after chewing can in many persons exceed industrially permissible levels. Article by Mats Hanson.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”Open wide — a report from the shadowlands of amalgam poisoning” (ENG SWE) "We had now come to the point where I could rule out all illnesses that are checked for in the Swedish health care system. Now there were no more tests left to be performed. But I was still just as sick!" By Ulla Hilding & Mauritz Sahlin (from the book "Open wide").
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”IT-revolutionens osynliga skugga” (SWE) "Jag satte mig i bilen och konstaterade att den var alldeles nedlusad av elektronik. Bilresan tog en timme — skulle jag klara det utan alltför långvariga symptom? För fyra år sedan blev jag elöverkänslig och har sedan dess fått svårt att klara elektroniken i många nya bilar." Artikel av Gunnar Lindstedt (Swedish only).
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”Somatic medicine abuses psychiatry — and neglects causal research” (ENG SWE) "As a psychiatrist, I have to say it is rather distressing to witness how unconcernedly certain colleagues are abusing psychiatry, allowing other interests than those of the patients to take precedence [...] the starting-point is an embarrassingly simple misunderstanding. If the somatic doctors feel that they cannot find any explanation or accepted diagnosis in a given case, this certainly does not mean that the causes must necessarily be psychological." Article by Per Dalén.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”Fluoride in dentistry is a cell poison” (ENG SWE) Fluoride is good for your teeth and reduces caries. So we have been told by campaigners for decades. But the opponents of fluoridation claim that fluoride is a poison, even affecting our nervous system. Today fluoride rinsing is on its way back in schools — while more and more countries put more and more serious warning labels on their fluoride toothpaste packages. So, what are we to believe — is fluoride beneficial or dangerous? Article by Jan Sällström.
ORIGO: ”Modern Miracle Men: Dr. Charles Northen, who builds health from the ground up” (ENG) The alarming fact is that foods — fruits and vegetables and grains — now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contains enough of certain needed minerals, are starving us — no matter how much of them we eat! Article by Rex Beach; US Senate document No 264, 1936.
ORIGO: ”The chemistry and physiological action of mercury as used in amalgam fillings” (ENG) From that time onward the use of amalgam has increased, until now tons are consumed yearly in filling teeth. Dr. Harris, in his opening address to the first class of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, in 1840, says: "It is one of the most objectionable articles for filling teeth that can be employed, and yet from the wonderful virtues ascribed to this pernicious compound by those who used it, thousands were induced to try its efficacy". Article by E.S. Talbot, 1882.
ORIGO: ”Injurious effects of mercury as used in dentistry<” (ENG) Is it not a necessary consequence that amalgam fillings, which, as I have proved, are constantly giving off mercury fumes to be inhaled into the lungs, not a few times daily, but always, without cessation day or night, is it not a necessary consequence that in many sensitive persons such fillings must produce deleterious effects? Article by E.S. Talbot, 1883.
ORIGO: ”Amalgam and kindred poisons<” (ENG) "Those persons who have ... amalgam fillings in their teeth, frequently suffer from mercurial rheumatism and other symptoms of that poison; in fact, some are walking barometers, and by their pain can foretell a change of weather." Article by H. Sheffield, 1896.
ORIGO: ”Existe-il un tremblement mercuriel?<” (FR) French neurologist Jean Martin Charcot (1825-1893) was a popular celebrity doctor, who taught Sigmund Freud hypnosis. Would it not be a myth that mercury could cause tremor, Charcot asks in this lecture. The mercurial tremor would quite simply be hysterical, belonging to neuroses. Lecture by J. M. Charcot, 1892 (in French with English commentary).
ORIGO: Advertisement for the services of "dental artist" J. F. Darmstädter, 1736 (SWE) "He repairs all Teeth, may they be black or yellow, in a moment, so that one is quite amazed, and he preserves the teeth, so that they will stay sound and solid throughout their lifetime; since there is nothing mor gallant in a Man, nor better, than having a clean mouth; and contrary, nothing more evil than when a Man has bad and yellow teeth, which furthermore causes bad smell when in honette Conversation." Facsimiles and transcript in Swedish, with English commentary.
ORIGO: On the natural faculties (ENG) "I call the motion of the vein and of the muscle an activity, and that of the food and the bones a symptom or affection, since the first group undergoes alteration and the second group is merely transported." By Galen.
ORIGO: ”The Hippocratic oath and law” (ENG SWE) "I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, that, according to my ability and judgment, I will keep this Oath and this stipulation - to reckon him who taught me this Art equally dear to me as my parents, to share my substance with him, and relieve his necessities if required; to look upon his offspring in the same footing as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they shall wish to learn it, without fee or stipulation." By "Hippocrates".
ORIGO: ”On ancient medicine” (ENG) "For the art of Medicine would not have been invented at first, nor would it have been made a subject of investigation (for there would have been no need of it), if when men are indisposed, the same food and other articles of regimen which they eat and drink when in good health were proper for them, and if no others were preferable to these. But now necessity itself made medicine to be sought out and discovered by men, since the same things when administered to the sick, which agreed with them when in good health, neither did nor do agree with them." By "Hippocrates".
ORIGO: ”On regimen in acute diseases” (ENG) "In these diseases you may use a yellow wine, and a dark austere wine for the following purposes: if there be no heaviness of the head, nor delirium, nor stoppage of the expectoration, nor retention of the urine, and if the alvine discharges be more loose and like scrapings than usual, in such cases a change from a white wine to such as I have mentioned, might be very proper." By "Hippocrates".
(... and don't forget Kisamor! 28 letters and prescriptions as facsimiles.)

| Upload 21, April 18th, 2000 (view logo) |
| Five year anniversary issue
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: The Art Bin turns five: How it all started - and why; During 1994, the urge to start a cultural magazine of his own became too irresistible for the Art Bin editor. Crucial for this idea to be realized was the fairly new medium called the World Wide Web. The competition on the Web today, however, stands more and more betweeen individual articles rather than between individual publications. That is one conclusion in this retrospect of the past five years.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: The Liquor from Luzhou and the secret of the earth cellar Cultural history of high alcoholic percentage. Swedish sinologist Lars Fredriksson describes the several hundreds of years old traditions for the production of liquor in China, the meticulous rituals around the preparation of the yeast etc. Surely, this is a highly purified distillate of utmost aromatic refinement, still very much dependant upon mud, clay and mold ...
THE GALLERY: Max Klinger: "A Glove", 10 "psychedelic" etchings from 1881 (ENG, SWE) One of the greatest German graphic artists, Max Klinger, who inspired surrealists and symbolists, often told his both realistic and dreamlike - or nightmarish - visual tales in the form of suites of graphic plates. There is also a short general introduction about Klinger (ENG, SWE).
THE GALLERY: "Find on Symmetrical Island": Per Jadéus mixes Bernini's angels with a Swedish landscape This is visual artist Per Jadéus' tribute to both the Bernini angels along the bridge to Castel St. Angelo in Rome, and to the beautiful landscape of Arild, Sweden.
ORIGO: "Manmade Karlsson": A comic strip from 1918-19 This is early cybernetics in comics from Sweden's first weekly magazine in color, "Brokiga Blad" from 1918-19. New technology was a good subject for satire back then - as it is today. What people feared in the age of steam, pistons, and transmission belts was of course that powerful - maybe even anthropomorphic - machines lacked intelligence. (There is also a short text about the comic strip with English translations of the Swedish balloon texts.)
ORIGO: "The Distance Learning School". A story from 1899 predicts teleteaching in 1999 German author and teacher Kurd Lasswitz, who wrote several collections of stories, inspired by mathematical or technical ideas, wrote this story in 1899. Not only does he predict distance learning via television screens but also synthetic speech and even a nation built upon shareholders. The story is available here both in the original German version, and in a translation into English.
ORIGO: Rainer Maria Rilke: "Samskola" - Impressed by a mixed school in Sweden In 1904 poet and author R. M. Rilke was invited to Sweden by writer and debater of social issues, Ellen Key, who showed him the modern mixed school "The Gothenburg Samskola". Rilke was overwhelmed with enthusiasm by its pedagogy and wrote this article, "Samskola", for the magazine "Zukunft". The original article is published here in German, with a short English note.
ORIGO: Swedish poet/author E. G. Geijer on education: The information age and defecting to liberalism Author and poet Erik Gustaf Geijer was very active in the debate on education in Sweden in the early 1800's. This is an article that he wrote in his own literary magazine "Litteratur-Bladet" in 1838. Apart from a discussion about the parallel school system, he also touches upon a very modern idea: the distribution of knowledge through technology and what might come after the Gutenberg era. The article is in Swedish, but there is also a commentary in English with two translated quotations.

| Upload 20, November 30th, 1999 (view logo) |
| ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”The Beethoven Mystique” (ENG) "A product of The Age of Enlightenment, he personified revolution," Jeffrey Dane writes in this essay about Beethoven. "Where most composers reach a plain of musical maturity, Beethoven continued his ascent throughout his life." English only.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”What no eye has seen, nor ear heard” (ENG, SWE) A commentary to the Rilke text "Ur -Geräusch" (see next entry) by Karl-Erik Tallmo. Here you may listen to Rilke's text used as a sound file and also view it rendered as a digital image. In Swedish as "Vad intet öga har sett och intet öra hört".
ORIGO: ”Ur-Geräusch (Primal Sound)” (GER) In 1919 Rainer Maria Rilke remembered an old physics lesson, where his teacher had demonstrated a phonograph. Rilke started contemplating the possibility of playing things that have never been recorded. Rilke's original text is presented here in German, with a commentary in English.
ORIGO: ”Satyriskt betänkande angående bokmängden” (SWE) "A Satirical Reflection on the Multitude of Books", written in 1766 by journalist Pehr Rudin. "... the amount is countless that is yearly flooding Europe with useless writings" he says. In Swedish with a short summary in English
THE GALLERY: ”A Millstone, Always a Millstone” A story by Paulo da Costa (ENG): "Throughout the ceremony Eufémia's silent lips raced in a string of prayers that sought forgiveness. It was the insanity of pain that condemned her to intervene in matters traditionally reserved to Divinities. She, a humble servant of God, eager to attenuate the immeasurable misfortunes of the world, was certain He would approve of her decision to raise her son under the habits of a girl." English only.
THE GALLERY: ”Tom Chambers: Six images from New Directions” Tom Chambers is both a documentary photographer and an artist who manipulates his images in the computer. Here he shows six images belonging to his series New Directions.
THE GALLERY: ”Michael Moreth: Six new images” Michael Moreth appeared in The Art Bin last year - now he is back with some more computer enhanced images.

| Upload 19, August 13th, 1999 (view logo) |
| ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”The word "OK" - a linguistic virus from the eighth president of the USA” (ENG, SWE) Which words do we use most often when we speak? Is the word "OK" among those? Where does this acronym come from? What does it really mean? Article by Karl-Erik Tallmo.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”I huvudet på en skvallerkärring” (SWE) Paula Stenström reviews a new book about gossip ("Skvaller" by Kerstin Nordenstam). Is gossip something typical for women? What new forms of gossip will emerge in the information age? This article available in Swedish only.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”One Morning in Bangkok” (ENG) The July 1981 newsletter of the Tasek Utara Golf Club in Johor Baru, Malaysia, contained this linguistically intriguing dialog between a hotel guest and the room service at a Bangkok hotel. English only.
THE GALLERY: ”Mary Herbert: Flying Phobia and other poems.” (ENG) Beware / of neurotic poetesses who ask about / turbulence, who cannot envision / floating on air, / who probably cannot soar like an eagle / saying baby, oh baby, when they come, / but see or feel only the thought /
of plunging Earthward / like a stone, a horse, a dream
THE GALLERY: ”Jan Stenmark: Seven collages.” Stenmark, who was one of the first artists featured in The Art Bin, now returns with seven new collages - with his very special, both funny and disturbing texts.

| Upload 18, May 30th, 1999 |
SPECIAL ISSUE: Vienna around 1900 - the turn of a century. This issue of The Art Bin was an unusual one. It consisted solely of links to external content on the WWW. It all revolved around a very special cross-section through time and space: the city of Vienna and its cultural life around the year 1900, with people like Arnold Schönberg, Gustav Mahler, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Karl Kraus, Robert Musil, Hermann Broch, Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka, and Sigmund Freud. There was, however, a special introduction about the more general implications of the use of the web as raw-material: the strength - and fears - of hyperlinks and a future vision of a story-expanding web, utilizing artificial intelligence and linguistic parsing.Warning! Since links get outdated very fast, many of the links on this page are likely to be obsolete. (ENG, SWE)

| Upload 17, December 21st, 1998 (view logo) |
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”Between tradition and tourism: Tingatinga and his followers” (ENG, SWE) Article by Berit Sahlström about Eduardo S. Tingatinga (1937-72), the Tanzanian artist who founded a new African art style of quadratic paintings made with bicycle paint on masonite.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”E-zine-list maker John Labovitz sums it up: ’Five years and counting’” (ENG) Internet pioneer John Labovitz writes himself about his five years with the well-reputed E-zine-list.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”Fotnot i en aktuell debatt: Lindahl & Larsson, jag väntar på er kampanj!” (SWE) Kort svar på en DN-artikel om kommunister, Lenin och folkpartiet, av Karl-Erik Tallmo. (Short contribution to a debate in Sweden about Communists, Lenin, and the Swedish Liberal party. Swedish only.)
THE GALLERY: ”A child carrying a machine-gun will be the god of eroticism.” This is the title of an essay collection by Japanese artist Sei Senkoji. He also investigates the relationship between language and senses in his paintings and drawings. Here he shows five images.
THE GALLERY: O'Hare Airport and other photographs. Chicago based photographer Michael Moreth displays nine images.
THE GALLERY: Tanka poems by Lawa. Swedish artist and poet Lawa exhibits tanka poems - words, images and animation. (SWE, ENG)
THE GALLERY: Whole Body Scanning. Brad Brace, known for his 12-hour jpeg-project, reveals what lurks between the links.

| Upload 16, October 26th, 1998 (view logo) |
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”Den personliga uppgiften - offentlig, uthängd eller skyddad?” (SWE) Article by Karl-Erik Tallmo about the Swedish personal information handling law, effective as of October 24th, 1998. Will this law make web publishing illegal? Article about freedom of information, access to official documents, and privacy. Swedish only.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”The web is not a selling medium!” Interview with web design expert Jakob Nielsen (ENG).
THE GALLERY, Music: Berger Knutsson Spering: ”Butterfly Friend” (by Don Cherry) (RealAudio)
ORIGO: Rilke, Rainer Maria: ”Auguste Rodin” (124 + 89 K) (GER) Two essays, with 89 images and an English introduction.
ORIGO: ”A Grammatical Table”, 17 x 18 inches JPG image (433 K), from Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1771.
ORIGO: ”A Stockholm panorama 1897”, 180 degree panoramic view by photographer Ernst Roesler (4 x 25 inches) (360 K).
ORIGO: ”Stockholm and the Stockholmians - A ’Globe-trotter's’ impressions.” (From Guides of the Swedish Tourist's Club No 14, Stockholm-Leipzig, 1896) (27 K) (ENG).

| Upload 15, April 18th, 1998 (view cover!): |
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”Knowledge-on-demand”. Can knowledge be switched on and off - and can it be stored outside of our heads? Article by Karl-Erik Tallmo (ENG and SWE).
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”The Debabelizing of the Internet” (ENG)
About automated translation, reading machines, etc. by Karl-Erik Tallmo. Original Swedish version (”Anti-Babel på Internet”), versions translated by the Alta Vista/Systran computerized translation service in ”French”, ”German”, ”Spanish”, and ”Italian”.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: ”Nationalencyklopedin - kunskapsarv på CD-ROM” (SWE). The Swedish ”National Encyclopedia”, now released on CD-ROM, is reviewed (Swedish only). By Karl-Erik Tallmo.
THE GALLERY: Plastic Flowers in Paradise (ENG). Poetry in English by Philips Hyams.
THE GALLERY: Poetry and Antipoetry (ENG, FR) by Moshe Benarroch, in English and French.
THE GALLERY: Relics and Resurrection. Oil paintings by Italian artist Alessandro Bavari.
ORIGO: Jean le Rond d’Alembert: ”Discours Préliminaire de l’Encyclopédie” (FR), the preface to the Encyclopedia, 1751. With a short introduction about d’Alembert in Swedish and English.
ORIGO: On Knowledge (ENG). Excerpts from the ”Metaphysics” article in Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1771.
ORIGO: The American Scholar (ENG). By Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1837
ORIGO: Nordisk Familjebok om kunskap (SWE), article about Knowledge from the Swedish Encyclopedia ”Nordisk Familjebok” (1911).
ORIGO: Nordisk Familjebok om sanning (SWE), article about Truth from the Swedish Encyclopedia ”Nordisk Familjebok” (1911).

| Upload 14, December 23rd, 1997: |

| Upload 13, August 11th, 1997: |
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: "And they all confessed ...", article about the Moscow trials by Gudrun Persson (ENG, SWE).
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: "On the Question of the Guilt of the New Left, the Revolutionary Clique, and the Silence of the Renegades", article by Karl-Erik Tallmo about Stalin’s apologists in the non-Communist countries (ENG, SWE)
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: "Expressing the Dark", Hans-Gunnar Peterson writes about Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann (ENG, SWE).
ORIGO: "The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre, Heard before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, August 19-24, 1936" (ENG)
ORIGO: N.I. Bukharin's last plea (from "The case of the Anti-Soviet 'Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites', Heard before the Military Colegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R., Moscow, March 2-13, 1938") (ENG)
ORIGO: Friedrich Engels: The Part Played by Labour in the Transition from Ape to Man (GER, ENG)
ORIGO: Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei (GER)
ORIGO: G.V. Plekhanov: On the role of the Individual in History (ENG, SWE)
ORIGO: A Lunacharsky: On Zinoviev (ENG)
ORIGO: A Lunacharsky: On Trotsky (ENG)
ORIGO: A Lunacharsky: On Plekhanov (ENG)
ORIGO: A Lunacharsky: On Marcel Proust (ENG)
ORIGO: J. Stalin: Dialectical and Historical Materialism (ENG, SWE)
ORIGO: Mao Zedong's Little Red Book ("Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung") (ENG)
THE GALLERY: Sculptures by Australian artist Reneta Slikboer.

| Upload 11, March 19th, 1997: |
| Special Comics Issue

| Upload 10, December 19th, 1996: |
| Special "We won't go until we get some" issue
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: The Bettie Page Revival Bettie Page, pin-up girl from the 50's, is as hot as ever. Her image now appears in fashion magazines, on catwalks in Paris - and as cameos in movies and rock videos. The book "Bettie Page - The Life of a Pin-Up Legend" is reviewed here by Karl-Erik Tallmo (ENG, SWE).
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: The Manic Landscape: Mati Klarwein Mati Klarwein - residing in Majorca, has become an artist with special appeal to musicians. His art may be found on many record covers, e.g. albums by Miles Davis, Santana ... Article by Conny C. Lindström and Peter Holmlund (ENG).
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: The Didactic Landscape: A Stalinist Dream of Art by Alexander Jartsev, who grew up in Omsk seeing the socialist realist art of the Soviet union everywhere. Jartsev shares his impressions from a large exhibiton with paintings from the Stalin era, shown in both St. Petersburg and Stockholm. (ENG, SWE)
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: "Finns det ett 'vi' i musiken?" Hans-Gunnar Peterson skriver om hur 1900-talstonsättare utnyttjat människoröstens samklang a cappella för att uttrycka existentialistiska värden: Henze, Poulenc, Xennakis, Ligeti ...(Hans-Gunnar Peterson writes about vocal music a cappella and it's existentialist implications in the 20th century - Henze, Ligeti, etc.) (SWE)
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: Short update on the latest happenings at the WIPO conference in Geneva (December 2-20, 1996) (ENG, SWE)
THE GALLERY: Three Photo Poems for Gunnar Ekelöf, by Swedish poet and photographer Peter Ejewall (SWE)

| Upload 9, November 14th, 1996: |
| The "Special extra thin in-between" issue
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: Copyright Alert by Karl-Erik Tallmo (ENG). Special extensive commentary on the World Intellectual Property Organisation's proposal for an addendum to the Berne Convention to be decided upon in December 1996. The proposed measures would bly affect all kinds of electronic publishing. Swedish version Varning copyright (SWE).

| Upload 8, September 26th, 1996: |
| The "autumn leaves late this fall" issue
ORIGO: Why I live at the P.O. by Eudora Welty (ENG). The short story that inspired Steve Dorner to name his e-mail program "Eudora". Short introduction (ENG).
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: "The Salamander and the Parrot" Apropos a Swedish Library Fire in Linköping, Friday, September 21st. Article by Anders Andersson (SWE, ENG).

ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: "Marie Selander - the singing professor" An extensive interview with Swedish singer, composer, and voice teacher Marie Selander, who uses her voice for improvisation and World music.(SWE, ENG). This article is a sequel to an earlier interview, made in 1980 which is re-published here (Swedish only): Vår röst - ett fantastiskt instrument (SWE)
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: "When Love Strikes Late" Merete Mazzarella reviews Doris Lessing's new novel "Love, Again". (SWE, ENG). Addendum by Karl-Erik Tallmo about a female troubadour from the 13th century: Condesa de Dia (SWE, ENG).
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS; An oldie on request: "@ - A Sign of the Times" about the origins of the commercial at-sign. Article by Karl-Erik Tallmo (SWE, ENG).
THE GALLERY, Images: The young Finno-Swedish artist Peter Rosvik shows five of his oil and acrylic paintings.
THE GALLERY, Music: "Tarang P.M." Swedish drummer Bengt Berger learned the tablas in India 30 years ago. Here he plays a piece for tablatarang - a whole set of tuned tabla drums.

| Upload 7, August 20th, 1996: |
| "The dogs bark, but the caravan passes on" issue

| Upload 6, May 20th, 1996: |
| The "Click me, I'm yours" issue
THE GALLERY, Images: Seven collages by Edvard Derkert, who attempts to outline the history of the moment. Daydreams are rerun during the night. Derkert provides us with the viewer ...
 | Edvard Derkert: "The View Master" |

THE GALLERY, Images: Six photographics by Ted Warnell. Images from a large project, where Warnell portrays his daughters.
ART AND ARTISTS: "L'Esprit Nouveau et les Poëtes" par Guillaume Apollinaire (1917). (FR) The liberty of the poets couldn't be any lesser than that of a newspaper, where the most disparate subjects are treated on one single page, where the most remote countries are covered, Apollinaire wrote in his manifesto "The New Spirit and the Poets" (1917), which is published here in its entirety, in French.
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: "Good morning, my name is Guillaume Apollinaire!", an introduction to Apollinaire's manifesto, by Björn Ericsson (ENG, SWE)
ARTICLES AND ESSAYS: "En orättvis betraktelse" (An unfair discourse) on two art fairs in Stockholm. By Linda Hedendahl. (SWE)

| Upload 5, February 29th, 1996: |
| The "Poetically correct" issue

| Upload 4, January 2nd, 1996: |
| The "Cathode-ray tube opportunist" issue

| Upload 3, December 13th, 1995: |
ORIGO: Oskar Andersson. Cartoons by famous Swedish pioneer within comics. (SWE, ENG)
THE GALLERY, Images: Six stills from 3D computer animations; four paintings, by Teresa Wennberg.
THE GALLERY, Images: Four computer images; two paintings, by Kent Wahlbeck.
THE GALLERY, Text: "Circle", a poetic essay by William Ray from "On the Authority of the Moon". (ENG).
THE GALLERY, Text: Elva dikter av Linda Hedendahl - tio av dem tidigare opublicerade (Eleven poems by Linda Hedendahl) (SWE).
ARTICLES/ESSAYS: Mystik och nostalgi - i minimalismens landskap, något om tidsbegreppet i 1900-talsmusiken, av Hans-Gunnar Peterson (Article in Swedish by Hans-Gunnar Peterson about minimal music and time) (SWE)

| Upload 2, July 10th, 1995: |
ORIGO: The Kisamor documents. A virtual museum with a collection of 31 documents, letters and prescriptions, as facsimiles. This is source material for the earlier published articles (ENG, SWE) about the female natural healer Kisamor (1788-1842). The documents are in Swedish, with short summaries in English.
ORIGO: H.G. Wells: The Idea of a Permanent World Encyclopedia. A global information retrieval system, like the one we have today, but envisioned by Wells in 1937 - with microfilm in mind. (ENG)
THE GALLERY, Images: Four lithographs by Emma Karp e.g. "The past is a dream" and "Pater Noster"
THE GALLERY, Images: The 12-hour-ISBN-JPEG Project Canadian photographer Brad Brace uploads a new JPEG image every day (About the project). Also a portfolio of four different series from Brace's large collection of photographs.
THE GALLERY, Images: 3D Photographs. Nine stereoscopic pairs from the late 19th century.
THE GALLERY, Images: "Jetsam", a painting by Cissi Svärdström from her exhibition in Stockholm in May 1995.
THE GALLERY, Text: Christer Hermansson: Livets mening (SWE).
... and two supplementations:
ARTICLES/ESSAYS: English version of the article about Peter Handke: A son's long good-bye (ENG)
DOWNLOADABLES: The Harbor (The Score) for non Macintosh users. This text piece is free to perform without royalty. (ENG)

| Upload 1, April 18th, 1995: |
| The initial upload (15 megabytes of cultural varia), which would be too much to list here. Please refer to the Origo, the Articles & Essays, and the Gallery sections respectively. (You may also read about how The Art Bin started in this article.)