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Illustration: Åsa Harvard. |
IN THE LATE 1940s and early 1950s, a distinguished psychiatrist named Dr. Fredric Wertham made a name for himself in the United States by leading a crusade against violent comic books. His 1954 book exposing the comic-book industry, Seduction of the Innocent , is still remembered in American comics fandom as a wildly exaggerated and overwrought polemic and has gone on to become a collector's item in its own right. Even the comic books mentioned in the text or used as source illustrations have also become collector's items because of their association with him and the book. Facing a public relations nightmare and hearings by the US Senate subcommittee on juvenile delinquency, fearful publishers either went out of business or banded together to form a Comics Code Authority that would censor comic books before some outside body did it for them.
"Seduction of the Innocent - the influence of comic books on today's youth." On the book's inner flap you could read: "90,000,000 comic books are read each month. You think they are mostly about floppy-eared bunnies, attractive little mice and chipmunks? Go take a look." | ![]() |
I have known many adults who have treasured throughout their lives some of the books they read as children. I have never come across any adult or adolescent who had outgrown comic-book reading who would ever dream of keeping any of these 'books' for any sentimental or other reason. - Seduction of the Innocent (1954)When Seduction of the Innocent appeared in the middle fifties, it started a grass-roots social reaction... A change occurred. Murder in comic books decreased, and so did the number of crime-comic-book publishers. Within a few years after the publication of Seduction of the Innocent , twenty-four out of twenty-nine crime-comic- book publishers went out of business. But it was only a partial victory. We now meet some of the child comic-book readers as parents of the 'battered child' or in similar roles. Moreover, very many of the old comic books are still around at reduced prices. - A Sign for Cain (1966)
Comic-book collecting which started as a nice nostalgic hobby is in some danger of becoming an overpriced, overcommercialized transaction ... - The World of Fanzines (1974)
According to his obituary in the New York Times (December 1, 1981), Fredric Wertham was born in Munich, Germany, in 1895. He studied at Kings College in London and at the Universities of Munich and Erlangen, and received his MD from the University of Würzburg in 1921. He did post-graduate study in London, Vienna, and Paris, and correspondence with Sigmund Freud led him to take up psychiatry as his life's work. He settled in the United States in 1922, becoming a citizen in 1927.
Wertham's subsequent career was impressive. He held the posts of senior psychiatrist for the New York City Department of Hospitals and director of the mental hygiene clinics at Bellevue Hospital and later Queens General Hospital. He was also director of the Lafargue Clinic in Harlem, a mental hygiene clinic for the poor in a mostly black section of New York City. His article for the American Journal of Psychotherapy , "Psychological Effects of School Segregation," was submitted to the United States Supreme Court as an important piece of evidence in the legal case that led to the 1954 ruling that declared racial segregation in schools to be unconstitutional.
Where Dr. Wertham made his name was as a consulting psychiatrist for the court system. The psychiatric clinic he directed for the New York City court was probably the first clinic in the United States in which all convicted felons received a psychiatric examination. His recommendations led to the modernization of facilities and methodology at many mental and criminal holding institutions.
Dr. Wertham was also an author. His first book was The Brain as an Organ (1934), a straightforward scientific work. Dark Legend, however, was a psychological case history of a 17-year-old boy who murdered his mother, written for a more general audience and with literary allusions. The reviews were mostly favorable, though an MD referred to "slips and inconsistencies which definitely mar the book as a scientific study." Criticisms of sloppy writing would dog every book Wertham wrote. His 1949 book, Show of Violence, is a general study of murder in which he discusses some of the major murder cases he was involved with as either a court witness or a consultant.
Parents and educators had been complaining about comic books for years. As early as December, 1940, when comic books were still in their infancy, the National Education Association Journal ran an article discussing "An Antidote to the Comic Magazine Poison." Dr. Wertham ran into comic books in the course of his work with juvenile offenders, and noting that many of the delinquents read them avidly, concluded that they were important environmental factors leading the kids to crime and violence. He presented his case in an article published in the May 29, 1947 issue of the Saturday Review of Literature, and after that he was off and running in his crusade against violent comic books. Over the next seven years, he would give lectures, write articles, and testify as an expert witness before legislative committees investigating the comic-book menace, culminating in the publication of his book Seduction of the Innocent in 1954.
Latterday American comics fans, who look back at the anti-comics crusade with fear and loathing, and fret nervously over whether it might happen again, tend to ignore the point that comics publishers of the early '50s virtually cut their own throats. While Dr. Wertham overstated his case to a sometimes ludicrous degree, he didn't have to: comics really were as crude, violent, and tasteless as he claimed, as any parent or legislator could easily confirm. With the postwar eclipse of costume heroes, comic books moved into increasingly violent and graphic crime and horror. Parents and legislators were worried enough about children seeing pictures of endless murders and mutilations and severed body parts in comics that were anything but fuzzy bunny books; then a distinguished psychiatrist came along and told them exactly what they had suspected all along - yes, children who read crime comic books became hardened to violence, and even accepted it as a useful probelm-solving device. Comic books taught children to be cruel, sexually warped, dishonest, and contemptuous of soft virtues like pity or love. Comic books were still relatively mild in 1947 when Dr. Wertham began his crusade, but some publishers lost all restraint into the 1950s, running increasingly violent and gory stories that only confirmed everything he said.
One of Dr. Wertham's samples from the book, with his own caption.
Dr. Wertham claimed in private correspondence years later that comic-book publishers did everything they could to squelch him and his book, from hiring private detectives to tail him in the hope of getting something on him to exerting muscle to kill an important book-club deal for Seduction . One thing that is definitely known is that after the book was published, the publisher had second thoughts about the two-page bibliography of comic-book publishers at the end, apparently fearing lawsuits, and ordered it razor-bladed out of the printed copies. A few intact copies slipped through, however, and fans who have seen the biblography say its omissions and mistakes just prove that Wertham had little understanding as to who actually published what in the '50s comic-book industry.
Besides Wertham's book, comic-book publishers were also confronted with the U.S. Senate and New York State Legislature hearings on juvenile delinquency in 1954. Alarmed, the publishers formed the Comics Magazine Association of America, which went into operation in early September, and the first books bearing the Comics Code seal were appearing on the stands shortly thereafter. And wouldn't you know it: in early February of 1955, Dr. Wertham was already testifying before a New York State Legislature committee hearing that the comic books were no better under the Code. As proof, he exhibited a whip and a knife that he had obtained through advertisements in a Code-approved book.
Still, whether Dr. Wertham cared to admit it or not, there had been some changes. Thanks to the Code's restrictive rules, violent and gory comic books disappeared from the newsstands. Crime comics and horror comics largely vanished. Many publishers left the field, notably EC Comics, which killed its regular comic-book line and concentrated on a humor title called Mad. The heat was off a considerably shrunken comic-book industry, though the memories and the scars remain to this day.
And so we find Dr. Fredric Wertham at the end of his long and generally successful career. If he hadn't won a total victory over "crime comic books," he had certainly helped tame the beast and he could retire with the satisfaction of a job well done. However, deep within the pages of Seduction of the Innocent, a time bomb lay ticking that would go off during what should have been his quiet retirement years.
After his retirement, Dr. Wertham devoted some of his golden years to writing his magnum opus on the violence question, A Sign for Cain. It was first published in 1966, with a paperback edition and a new forword appearing in 1968. Quite simply, A Sign for Cain is an incredible book. It is abominably written, a rambling collection of descriptions of violent acts, usually without any dates or sources given, amplifed by Wertham's often eccentric commentary and spiced with only barely relevant literary quotations. The impression left by this dreary tome is that human beings can be beastly to one another and Dr. Wertham deplores the fact. He also blames violence almost completely on environment, and it's clear that Wertham wanted to purge the mass media of violence, starting with comic books, which come under heavy attack in the book even though they were a negligible factor by the mid-'60s, and proceed to movies and TV.
Anticipating that he might be accused of favoring censorship, Dr. Wertham wrote that he rejects the claim "that critique of mass-media violence may lead to censorship and interfere with civil liberties. Social control for the protection of children has nothing to do with censorship for adults. Children have the right to grow up healthy and uncorrupted. The battle for civil liberties should not be fought on the backs of children. Those who fight for freedom of expression would be in a stronger position if they conceded that outspoken sadism should be withheld from children."
When comic books come up for discussion in A Sign for Cain, Dr. Wertham seems almost otherworldly. Even in the mid-'60s, that line about old comic books being around in large numbers at "reduced prices" was a joke for anyone familiar with the field. The claim that the readers of old comics were turning up as the parents of battered children - presented without proof or sources - is beyond astonishing. He also charged that "the mass-media Superman is the symbol of power, force, and violence," and compared Supes with Lee Harvey Oswald - during an era when the comic-book Superman was at its most endearingly silly and absurd.
He summed up comic books with a grudging concession:
It is true that straight crime titles (not stories) have decreased and are not displayed on the cover any more. (One is tempted to say they have gone undercover.) And murder stories in realistic urban settings have become less frequent. Now the setting is more apt to be science fictional, with superman and superwoman types and interplanetary, outer-space, superhuman creatures. The motives are the same: revenge, money, lust for power, destruction. Westerns have changed least, and are as brutal as ever. Girls' necklines have been raised, but sadistic women in tight-fitting garments abound, as hateful and destructive as ever. Crime and violence still reign supreme, though often in disguise.
"Comic books," Dr. Wertham said, "are cheap, shoddy, anonymous. Children spend their good money for bad paper, bad English, and more often than not, bad drawing."
My main interest is not in comic books or even mass media, but in children and young people. Over the years I have been director of large mental hygiene clinics... And I have done a great deal of work - sometimes with great difficulty - to prevent young people from being sent to reformatories where they are often very badly treated. I have also helped a number of young people so they were not sent to the electric chair.
Dr. Wertham then expressed curiosity about fanzines and fandom. I wrote back answering his questions - and the next thing I knew, I was hearing that he was writing to fanzine publishers and requesting copies of their publications. Dr. Wertham's letters even began appearing in fanzine letter columns, often politely justifying his views on violence and the media to unsympathetic fan editors, often just participating in the conversation and commenting amiably about unrelated matters brought up in a previous issue. In his own way, he was getting involved in fandom. Still, there was always an element of suspicion and distrust on the part of comics fans. No one was quite sure what he was really after. Some people, fearing a Seduction -style hatchet job on fandom, flatly refused to send him their fanzines; others did so reluctantly.
What Dr. Wertham was up to turned out to be his last book, published by Southern Illinois University Press in 1974: The World of Fanzines: A Special Form of Communication. It wasn't a hatchet job at all. Quite the opposite: it was a love letter to comics fandom. This was the man who had blasted comic books in Seduction of the Innocent and A Sign for Cain, accusing them of every sin he could think of, including making their readers into moral monsters - now Dr. Wertham was praising the efforts of comic-book readers, and presenting our internal hobby publications as the very model of non-violent communication by bright young people.
It was also a very strange book, with wide margins and scant text. One whole chapter was nothing but a one-column list of fanzine titles and the places they were published. One reviewer called the book "repetitious, belaboring the obvious, and poorly organized." Reading it, one gets the impression of a man very much out of touch with the world, and making a great deal out of very little. His choices of artwork for reproductions in the book seem limited to what he had on hand in his drawer rather than to any systematic purpose. More to the point, Dr. Wertham had completely misunderstood the nature and purpose of comics fandom. Apparently, after spending so many years as a practicing psychiatrist working with the New York City criminal court system, seeing a never-ending stream of violent psychopaths and disturbed juveniles, he was evidently charmed when he tripped across a little subculture of young people spontaneously communicating peacefully among themselves without adult supervision or encouragement.
Mr. Decker's own fanzine "Torch".
Note: This is a re-written version of an article that appeared in the magazine Amazing Heroes in 1987. Also available in Swedish. © Dwight Decker, 1987, 1997.
About the author.