Marika af Trolle
Painter, video and computer artist. Born in Sweden 1952. 1970-1981 studies at various art schools in Sweden and France. Began making experimental and documentary video films in 1982.
Started working with Quantel's Paintbox in 1984. Illustrated classical musical master-pieces for television in 1985, films shown in USA, Ireland, Canada and Japan (Fuji Television Honorary prize). Stage design and production of the Ballet Peer Gynt (choreography: Birgit Cullberg), 1986. Created @art net Mallefougasse in 1996, a web site for artists in Provence. Presently living in La Vulpilliere, Le Tholonet, France.
Selected exhibitions
- Exhibition of "electronic paintings" in Aix-en-Provence in 1988.
- Exhibitions of "electronic paintings" and video installations at Stockholm Art Fair and at the Rome Galleria Artivisive, 1989.
- 1990, exhibition of electronic paintings and video installations at the Vasarely Museum in Aix-en-Provence. Also group exhibition of paintings and installations in Nordic Video Art in Sveaborg Finland and Nordic Video Art, Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm
- 1991-1992, a number of exhibitions of electronic paintings and video installations at various galleries in Sweden, e. g. Camage Gallery in Västerås
- 1993, wall decoration at New school in Le Tholonet, electronic painting converted into mosaic. Exhibition at Bibliothèque Méjanes in Aix-en-Provence.
- 1994, arranged and took part in a unique exhibition of paintings, sculptures and installations in and around the family castle, Le Château de Mallefougasse, together with a group of in all fourteen artists, mostly of Swedish origin but living in France. Most objects were placed in nature in the surrounding parks.
- 1997, exhibition at the Millesgården, Stockholm, Sweden.
Marika af Trolle may be contacted through e-mail:
art-net@topnet.fr or fax +33-42 66 80 26
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