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Résumé: Karl-Erik Tallmo | |
Writer, journalist, electronic publisher | |
Born 1953 in the town of Karlskoga, Sweden. Education: Studied Musicology at the University of Stockholm 1975-77, self-taught writer, journalist, photographer, graphic designer and HyperCard programmer. Employed at Swedens second largest morning daily "Svenska Dagbladet" 1983-93. Founded the private firm "Nisus Publishing" in 1989. Presently living in Stockholm, Sweden.
Selected writings and other work: Photography: Liner photography for Swedish groups "Vargavinter" and "Iskra" 1975 and 1976. Member of the Swedish Society for Stereoscopic Photography in 1976. Journalism: Record reviews in Swedish monthly "Hifi & Musik" 1978-82, music criticism in Swedish daily "Aftonbladet" 1979-80: e.g. reports from the Oriental Music Festival at Durham, England, August 1979, music criticism in Scandinavias largest daily "Expressen" (1980-82): articles about early music, contemporary music (esp. minimal and ethnic music), contributor to book format magazine Radix/Fenix with extensive essays on Edward Kienholz (1979), Susan Sontag (1981) and Jens-August Schade, covering Schade's complete works (1989), articles in Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet about literature and cultural matters in connection with information technology etc. (1988-96). Editor of The Art Bin (1995-) See also the personal article archive! Fiction, poetry & non-fiction: Poems published in British magazine "The Evening Worm" (1980), "Marathons Buck", a pastiche of Joyce's "Finnegans Wake" (in English) in the book format magazine "Res Publica" volume 11 (1988), book of prose (in Swedish): "En fingerborg fylld av säsongens regn" ("A Thimble of Annual Rain", publ. Symposion, 1990), book about journalism and use and abuse in the Swedish language, "Orden och rubrikerna" ("Words and Headlines", publ. Symposion, 1992 - also graphic design of this book), publishes Swedens first hyperfiction novel on data disk, "Iakttagarens förmåga att ingripa" ("The Watchers Ability to Interfere", 1992). Authoring, programming, Web design: Writing and production of HyperCard stack "Skriv rätt", a writing guide for the Swedish language (1989, 1994), Macintosh program "Ordmaskinen" ("The Word machine"), spelling training for school-children (1993), "Low-budget Hyperbook Tool" for Macintosh Hypercard (1994), Web design for e.g. the governmental "IT Committee on Sweden's Cultural Network " and for NUTEK (Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development ). Graphic design: Booklet for the Swedish Committee for the UNCED Conference in Rio de Janeiro (1991), two books published by the Swedish Employers Association (1992-93), Swedish edition of PC World Excel 5 for Windows Handbook (1994). More detailed résumé (curriculum vitae) at Tallmo's reference pages.
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Karl-Erik Tallmo may be contacted through e-mail to tallmo@nisus.se or ICQ 6651411. [English Homepage] [Svensk bassida] [Overview of contributors and résumés] *** |