Björn (Ismail) Ericsson
Journalist, translator, expert in Islamic culture. Born 1934, in Sweden, of Swedish-Syrian-French ancestry, grew up in the town of Enköping. Participated (mostly as a musician) in the Swedish artist group Metamorfos in the 50's. Employed at different newspapers for 40 years. Presently working as a freelancer and living in Stockholm, Sweden.
Björn Ericsson has written numerous articles about Islamic culture and surrealist poets in France as well as in Sweden. He has published sonnets and translated books from English and Arabic into Swedish. He lectures about Islamic culture and works as an adviser for the Swedish public library association, publishing houses, the Swedish Radio etc.
Björn Ericsson may be contacted through The Art Bin editor, e-mail: tallmo@nisus.se - or through Författarcentrum (The Writers Center), fax +46 8 611 03 21.
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